Rabu, 30 September 2015

NSA's Legal Authorities

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

(Updated: October 7, 2016)

Since the start of the Snowden-revelations, we not only learned about the various collection programs and systems of the National Security Agency (NSA), but also about the various legal authorities under which the agency collects Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).

Bceause these rules are rather complex, the following overview will show which laws and regulations govern the operations of the NSA, showing what they are allowed to collect where and under which conditions. Also mentioned are various collection programs that run under these authorities.

The overview provides a general impression of the most important elements of the various laws and regulations and does not pretend to be complete in every detail. For example, provisions for emergency collection are not included. Also, some of these laws and regulations govern the work of other US intelligence agencies too, but here the focus is on the NSA.

Collection INSIDE the US:
Targeted collection - US persons & foreigners:

- Section 105 FISA
- Section 703 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)

Targeted collection - Foreigners:

- Transit Authority

- Section 702 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)
- PRISM Collection
- Upstream Collection

Bulk collection - US persons:

- Section 402 FISA (PR/TT)

- Section 215 USA PATRIOT Act (BR FISA)


Collection OUTSIDE the US:
Targeted collection - US persons:

- Sections 704 & 705 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)

Targeted & Bulk collection - Foreigners:

- Executive Order 12333
- Classified Annex Authority (CAA)
- Special Procedures governing Communications Metadata Analysis (SPCMA)

Diagram with a decision tree showing the various legal authorities
under which NSA can collect Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
(Click to enlarge)

  - Inside the US - Targeted collection - US persons -

Section 105 FISA
- Effective since October 25, 1978.
- For communications of US citizens and foreigners, whether through a "facility" or individually, inside the US, for which there's a probable cause that they are agents of a foreign power or connected to an international terrorist group. Initially also for foreigners outside the US using an American webmail provider.
- Collection takes place at telephone and internet backbone switches, wireless networks, Internet Service Providers and data centers at over 70 locations inside the United States.
- Requires an individualized warrant from the FISA Court (which takes between four and six weeks), but if no US person will likely be overheard, only a certification by the Attorney General is required.
Section 703 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)
- Effective since July 10, 2008; expires on December 31, 2017.
- For communications of a US person outside the US, when there is probable cause that this person is an officer, employee, or agent of a foreign power or related to an international terrorist group.
- Requires an individualized warrant from the FISA Court.
- Collection takes place inside the United States (see Section 105 FISA).

  - Inside the US - Targeted collection - Foreigners -

Transit Authority
- Effective since ?
- Probably based upon a presidential directive that has to be re-authorized regularly, but the 2009 STELLARWIND report says NSA is authorized to acquire transiting phone calls under EO 12333.
- For communications with both ends foreign: originating and terminating in foreign countries, but transiting US territory.
- Collection takes place inside the US, at major fiber-optic cables and switches operated by American telecommunication providers.
- Data may apparently be shared with other US intelligence agencies.
- Collection programs: http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2015/08/fairview-collecting-foreign.html">FAIRVIEW, STORMBREW, SILVERZEPHYR (OAKSTAR), ORANGEBLOSSOM (OAKSTAR)


Section 702 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)
- Effective since July 10, 2008; expires on December 31, 2017.
- For communications to or from foreigners who are reasonably believed to be outside the United States.
- Requires an annual certification by the Attorney General (AG) and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which has to be approved by the FISA Court. Certifications are known that have been approved for:
- Counter-Terrorism (CT, since 2007)
- Foreign Government (FG, since 2008; including some cyber threats since 2012)
- Counter-Proliferation (CP, since 2009)
- Cyber Threats (planned in 2012)
- Companies get a directive ordering them to cooperate. In return they are granted legal immunity and are compensated for reasonable expenses.
- Dissemination rules differ slightly per certification. Ordinarily, US person identifiers have to be masked, but unevaluated data may be shared with FBI and CIA, and foreign data may be shared with the 5 Eyes partners.
- Unencrypted data may be retained for up to 5 years, or for a longer period in response to an authorized foreign intelligence or counterintelligence requirement, as determined by the NSA's SIGINT Director.

Section 702 FAA has two components, each with slightly different rules:
PRISM Collection
- Only internet communications "to" and "from" specific e-mail addresses or other types of identifiers. Filtering only allowed for selectors, not for keywords.
- Collection is done by the FBI's DITU, which acquires the data from at least 9 major American internet companies. This results in both stored and future communications.
- Raw (unminimized) data may be shared with FBI and CIA.
- Data are retained for a maximum of 5 years.
- NSA is permitted to use US person identifiers for querying already-collected data when there's a reasonable expectation that this will return foreign intelligence.*
- Collection program: http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/04/what-is-known-about-nsas-prism-program.html">PRISM

Upstream Collection
- Both internet and telephone communications. The internet communications may be "to", "from" and "about" specific e-mail addresses or other types of identifiers, including IP addresses and cyber threat signatures.
- Collection takes place inside the US, at major telephone and internet backbone switches. This only results in future communications.
- Raw (unminimized) data may not be shared outside NSA.
- Data are retained for a maximum of 2 years.
- Collection programs: http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2015/08/fairview-collecting-foreign.html">FAIRVIEW, STORMBREW

  - Inside the US - Bulk collection - US persons -

Section 402 FISA (PR/TT)
- Effective since October 25, 1978.
- Since July 14, 2004, orders from the FISA Court allowed the NSA to collect domestic internet metadata in bulk under this authority. These metadata included the "to", "from", and "cc" lines of an e-mail, as well as the e-mail’s time and date.
- Only for Counter-Terrorism purposes.
- Collection took place inside the US, by acquiring the metadata from big American telecommunication providers.
- Query results could only be accessed by specially trained NSA analysts, and could only be shared for a counter-terrorism purpose.
- Data were being retained for a maximum of 5 years.
- Collection terminated in December 2011 for "operational and resource reasons" and all data were deleted, as the requirements could also be fulfilled under 702 FAA and SPCMA authorities.*
- Collection programs: ?


Section 215 USA PATRIOT Act (BR-FISA)
- Effective since October 26, 2001; expired as of May 31, 2015.
- Since 2006, orders from the FISA Court allowed the NSA to collect domestic telephone metadata in bulk under this authority. These metadata included the originating and receiving phone number, the date, time and duration of the call, and, since 2008, the IMEI and IMSI number.
- Only for Counter-Terrorism purposes: there must be a Reasonable and Articulable Suspicion (RAS) that the query term belongs to a foreign terrorist organization. The Emphatic Access Restriction (EAR) tool ensured that analysts only did queries on RAS-approved selectors.*
- Collection took place inside the US, by acquiring the metadata from big American telecommunication providers.
- Query results could only be accessed by specially trained NSA analysts, and could only be shared when a manager certifies the data are for a counter-terrorism purpose.
- Data were retained for a maximum of 5 years. Remaining data will be deleted after receiving direction from the appropriate court.
- Collection programs: http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2015/08/fairview-collecting-foreign.html">FAIRVIEW, STORMBREW

During a 180-day transition period, the NSA continued the collection of bulk telephony metadata under section 215 USA PATRIOT Act, which was until November 29, 2015. In this period, telephony metadata could only be queried after a judicial finding that there is a Reasonable, Articulable Suspicion (RAS) that the selector is associated with an international terrorist group. The results had to be limited to metadata within 2 (instead of 3) hops of the seed term.

- Effective since June 2, 2015.
- Allows the NSA to request metadata from telephone companies based upon specific selection terms for which there's a Reasonable, Articulable Suspicion (RAS) that they are associated with a foreign power or an international terrorist group. These metadata may consist of "session-identifying information", like originating and receiving numbers, IMSI, IMEI and telephone calling card numbers, and the date, time and duration of the call. Collection of, and contact chaining on location data is prohibited.
- Requires a warrant from the FISA Court approving specific telephone numbers or other identifying selectors.
- NSA provides these selectors to the telecommunication providers, who have to produce the results of their queries (one or two hops from the initial selector) in a useful format, on a daily basis, and for a period of up to 180 days.
- Companies providing these data are granted legal immunity and will be compensated for reasonable expenses.
- All records that are not foreign intelligence information have to be destroyed promptly.
- Query results may be fully shared with CIA and FBI.
- Also, foreign terrorists may be tracked for up to 72 hours when they enter the US, with authorization by the Attorney General.

  - Outside the US - Targeted collection - US persons -

Section 704 & 705 FISA Amendments Act (FAA)
- Effective since July 10, 2008; expires on December 31, 2017.
- Collection takes place outside the United States.
- Data may be retained for up to 5 years, or for a longer period in response to an authorized foreign intelligence or counterintelligence requirement, as determined by the NSA's SIGINT Director. Inadvertent collection of US data has to be destroyed upon recognition, but the Attorny General can authorize exceptions.

The differences for these sections are:

Section 704 FAA
- For collection against a US person outside the US, when there is probable cause that this person is an officer, employee, or agent of a foreign power or related to an international terrorist group.
- Requires an individualized warrant from the FISA Court, for a period of up to 90 days.

Section 705(a) FAA
- For communications of a US person reasonably believed to be outside the United States.
- Requires an individualized warrant from the FISA Court.
- Collection may take place both inside and outside the United States.

Section 705(b) FAA
- For communications of a US person reasonably believed to be outside the US, when there is already an existing FISA Court order for collection against this person inside the US under section 105 FISA.
- Requires authorization by the Attorney General.

  - Outside the US - Targeted & Bulk collection - Foreigners -

Executive Order 12333
- Effective since December 4, 1981.
- For communications between foreigners outside the US.
- Requires no external approvals, except for fitting the http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/09/nsas-strategic-mission-list.html">mission and the goals set for NSA by the government.
- Collection takes place outside the US and for all foreign intelligence purposes. However, Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) from January 17, 2014, limits bulk collection to the following 6 purposes:
- Espionage and other threats by foreign powers
- Threats from terrorism
- Threats from weapons of mass destruction
- Cybersecurity threats
- Threats to US or allied armed forces
- Threats from transnational crime
- Data may be shared with other US intelligence agencies, as well as with foreign partner agencies.
- Dissemination of US person identifiers is only allowed when necessary and personal information should not be inapproprately included in intelligence reports.
- Unencrypted data from targeted collection are retained for up to 5 years, unless it is determined that continued retention is required; encrypted data are retained for an unlimited period of time.
- Collection programs: OAKSTAR, http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/11/incenser-or-how-nsa-and-gchq-are.html#windstop">WINDSTOP (incl. http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/11/incenser-or-how-nsa-and-gchq-are.html">INCENSER, MUSCULAR, etc), http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/10/the-german-operation-eikonal-as-part-of.html#rampart-a">RAMPART-A (incl. SPINNERET, MOONLIGHTPATH, AZUREPHOENIX, etc), http://casalloiranovinhaenegao.blogspot.com /2014/05/nsas-largest-cable-tapping-program.html">DANCINGOASIS, MYSTIC, and many more.

Under EO 12333, there are two additional authorizations:
Classified Annex Authority (CAA)
- Effective since 1988.
- For communications of US persons outside the US, for whom there's probable cause that they are agents of a foreign power or engaged in international terrorism.
- Requires prior approval by the Attorney General, limited to a period of time of up to 90 days.
- Also for communications of a US person who is held captive by a foreign power or a terrorist group, which requires approval of the Director of NSA.

Special Procedures governing Communications Metadata Analysis (SPCMA)
- Effective since January 2011
- Allows contact chaining and other analysis on metadata already-collected under EO 12333, regardless of nationality and location, including US person identifiers.
- For the purpose of following or discovering valid foreign intelligence targets (i.e. not restricted to counter-terrorism).
- Only covers analytic procedures and does not affect existing collection, retention or dissemination (including minimization) procedures for US person information.
- SPCMA-enabled tools: ICREACH, Synapse Workbench, CHALKFUN

                         - Information Assurance -                        

Besides collecting Signals Intelligence, the NSA is also responsible for Information Assurance (IA). This mission is conducted under the following authorities:

- National Security Directive 42 ("National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems", 1990)

- Executive Order 13587 ("Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information", 2011)

- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -

Links and sources
- Emptywheel.net: The Yahoo Scan: On Facilities and FISA
- Emptywheel.net: While It Is Reauthorizing FISA Amendments Act, Congress Should Reform Section 704
- IC on the Record: FACT SHEET: Implementation of the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015
- Emptywheel.net: Internet Dragnet Timeline - Phone Dragnet Timeline - 10 Goodies USA Freedom Act Gives the Intelligence Community
- Webpolicy.org: Executive Order 12333 on American Soil, and Other Tales from the FISA Frontier
- IC on the Record: Transition from the USA PATRIOT Act to the USA FREEDOM Act
- DNI.gov: Documents Regarding the Now-Discontinued NSA Bulk Electronic Communications Metadata
- Americanbar.org: Section 214 and Section 215 FISA
- National Research Council: Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options (pdf) (2015)
- NSA Civil Liberties and Privacy Report about Targeted SIGINT Activities under EO 12333 (pdf) (2014)
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board report about the Surveillance Program Operated Persuant to Section 702 FISA (pdf) (2014)
- Legal fact sheet: Executive Order 12333 (pdf) (2013)
- The Department of Defense Directive about NSA/CSS (pdf) (2010)
- NSA OGC: Course on legal compliance and minimization procedures (pdf)
- Memo about Reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act (pdf)
- NSA OGC: FISA Amendments Act of 2008 - Section 702 - Summary Document (pdf)

Every Girl Must Watch This!

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

I have hardly ever spoken about what I watch on TV. It is quite unfortunate now that I just don't have the luxury of time to watch my favourite shows, but there used to be one time when I would watch a lot of things on the telly....

As a kid, I grew up on American cartoons, series and sitcoms. In my teens, I was especially influenced by "Ginger", the lead character from "As Told by Ginger". That was a cartoon series on a pre-teen girl who would go through the usual rigmarole of having to deal with pre-teen-girl-problems such as keeping her friends happy, avoiding getting into the bad books of the popular girls, having crushes and getting guys to like her, having mixed feelings towards that guy-friend, the first kiss, puberty, make-up, shaving the hair off her legs, dressing well, keeping an annoying brother out of her way and having a love-hate relationship with her parents. Phew! That girl did have a lot on her plate. I completely loved her story! And I watched this during my formative years and most of my early teens. Here's the title track for you:-

This was the only cartoon series in which the characters would have their own wardrobes! They would change clothes every day and even repeat them! This was the most realistic cartoon show ever! I was terribly upset that it stopped running in New York after a few years, perhaps because the average US cartoon-viewer preferred action-sequences and mystery. Back then, I did not have Tata Sky+ Transfer to rescue me from my situation. If I had had it then, I would have recorded every single episode so I could watch it anytime - even now. This amazing technology lets you carry your entertainment anywhere! I can now actually watch my favourite episodes up in the air when I'm flying on a long haul flight, or when I'm stuck in a slow moving traffic. I can watch it on a tab, a laptop or my phone - or good old TV!

"As Told by Ginger" is one show every growing girl must watch. It teaches one how to handle life and deal with being at the cusp of childhood and adolescence. It taught me to be a better teenager when I finally turned one. And it made me think through the consequences of my actions, so I rarely acted on an impulse. I hope it will teach you (or your daughter) a thing or two too!

List of Social Bookmarking Sites 2016 (Updated)

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

List of Social Bookmarking Sites 2016 (Updated)
List of Social Bookmarking Sites 2016 (Updated)
The below listed top best 100 best social bookmarking sites are very popular and mostly used for SEO, increasing Google page rank, and to improve Alexa page rank, and to get huge back links and incoming links to improve SERP visibility, and to increase search engine traffic, number of daily unique visitors, page views for your blog or website. One of the main uses of these top social bookmarking sites 2015 is that any website/blog readers can save their favorite web pages permanently by social bookmarking sites 2015 pages on these social bookmarking sites. Submitting your bookmarks to these websites can bring a lot of backlinks to your blog and it is an important part of SEO Blogging.

Why Social Bookmarking sites 2016 is Important ?


High PR Social Bookmarking Sites 2016

#PR 8 dofollow social bookmarking sites 2016

  • http://reddit.com
  • http://slashdot.org
  • http://stumbleupon.com
  • http://technorati.com
  • http://folkd.com
  • https://www.google.com/bookmarks
  • http://www.delicious.com
  • http://squidoo.com
  • http://www.pinterest.com
  • http://sitebar.org
  • http://digg.com
  • http://pinboard.in

#PR 7 dofollow social bookmarking sites 2016

  • http://diigo.com
  • http://metafilter.com
  • http://bibsonomy.org
  • http://newsvine.com
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  • http://current.com
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  • http://multiply.com

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  • http://www.designfloat.com
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  • http://www.searchles.com

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  • http://murl.com/splash
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  • http://buddymarks.com
  • http://voo2do.com
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  • http://www.blogengage.com
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  • http://ngopost.org

#PR 3 dofollow social bookmarking sites 2016

  • http://www.blogreporter.biz
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  • http://www.yemle.com
  • http://www.bookmark4you.com

#PR 2 dofollow social bookmarking sites 2016

  • http://www.bookmark-favoriten.de
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  • http://share.ae

#PR 1 dofollow social bookmarking sites 2016

  • http://mettablog.com
  • http://www.clickets.de
So, above are the latest high PR dofollow social bookmarking sites 2015. I hope with these social bookmarking sites list 2015 you will improve your site’s SEO ranking in various search engines. If you know some other social bookmarking sites 2015.

How To Remove Memory Card Password

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

How To Remove Memory Card Password
How To Remove Memory Card Password
 Today we are here with a trick for Remove Password Of Memory Card. Today every mobile user weather it is android,ios or any other use memory card in their devices. And this small chip is a device that can store million bytes of data. Sometime we protect our memory card with password, but forgot that. In that case you will have trouble to access your memory card or copy paste anything in it. So in this post i will tell you a trick which will remove memory card password. Just follow the below to proceed.

How To Remove Memory Card Password

The method to remove password from memory card is very simple and easy and this can be done by two ways, either from Pc or from android device. Also you can even view your current password too. Just follow the below steps to proceed.

Steps To View & Remove Password Of Memory Card Using Android

  1. First of all insert your password protected memory card in your android device.
  2. Now download the ES file Explorer in your android and open it.
  3. Now there go to system folder and locate the file mmcstore.
  4. Now rename it as mmcstore.txt and open it.
  5. Now there you can see the current password of your memory card,note it down.
  6. Now in memory card option click on remove password and then paste the password that you have noted.
  7. Thats it you are done.

Steps To Remove Password Of Memory Card Using PC

With this method all your data will get lost as you will be going to format your memory card in this method, so i recommend to use above method and if it doesn’t work then go for this method.
  1. First of all insert your memory card in any of smartphone.
  2. Now connect the phone with computer using USB cable.
  3. Now right click on memory card drive in your Pc and click on format(It will not ask any password to format).
  4. Thats it by formatting your memory card password will also get removed and you can now access your memory card completely.
So above are the two ways for How To Remove Password Of Memory Card. By these ways you can easily view or remove password from memory card and can easily share data from it. And this method is such a simple that even non tech person can also do this by just following the simple steps discussed above. Hope you like the post, don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you facing any trouble at any step.

How to Hack Trial Softwares To Use Them Lifetime 2016

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

How to Hack Trial Softwares To Use Them Lifetime

In this computer world we use lots of software in our desktops and laptops no matter we are in whatever field we always need software to do work. And there are many software that are freely available for lifetime to make our work easy, but there are many of the software that come with only for limited trial period that is around 30 days or 60 days. And after the free trial days you have to buy the key to use them more. And for key you have to pay money. But we are here with a trick for How to Hack Trial Softwares to use them Lifetime. Yes you can do this with a simple and straight method discussed below.

How to Hack Trial Softwares to use them Lifetime

Hack Trial Softwares For Lifetime Use
Hack Trial Softwares For Lifetime Use
There is a perfect tool that will do this and the name of tool is RunAsDate. With the help of this tool you can use any of software for free even after the trial period is over. You just have to follow some of the simple steps discussed below.
  1. First of all download and install the tool RunAsDate from here.
  2. Now in your computer run the trial software and note down the date of installation.
  3. Now when the trial version gets over do not directly launch the software, just right click on it and click run as and then select Runasdate there.

  1. scrn
  2. Thats it now the  trial date will get injected to that software by this tool and you can access the software as long as you want.
  3. And also everytime you open the just run as through this tool. Other wise this trick will not work.
So above is all about How to Hack Trial Softwares to use them Lifetime. By this hack now you can easily use any of your favorite software for free for lifetime and you will not have to pay a single coin for this. Hope you like the trick, so don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you still facing any problem.

ET-86v2g-a23-v1.5 100% Working Firmware

September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

ET-86v2g-a23-v1.5 100% test ok file working

[GUIDE][ROOT][TWEAKS] Generic Allwinner A23 Tablet

et-86v2g-a23-v1.5 100% test ok file working  
I recently bought another tablet off of eBay. This time, it's a very generic one. It does have branding and such, and calls itself "Hypertab", but it is no different from the other generic tablets with the same specs.
System Specifications
  • Android 4.2.2 Jellybean
  • Allwinner A23 - Cortex A7 Dualcore CPU 1.5GHz
  • Mali-400 GPU
  • 512MB DDR3 RAM
  • 2GB Inernal Flash Memory (Actual usable amount is less) + Expandable with MicroSD up to 32GB
Disclaimer (Please Read Before Continuing.)
I am in no way, shape or form, responsible for the outcome, positive or negative, of you following the provided instructions on this thread.
It worked for me, but that does not mean it will 100% work for you. You are responsible for any side effects and damage caused to your device, your property, anyone nearby, or yourself, which includes, but not limited to: software and/or hardware destruction of the device, robbery, riots, injury, death, acts of god, epidemics/pandemics, natural disasters, government shutdowns, mutations, getting a certain limb of your body stuck in a ceiling fan, etc. Rooting WILL void your warranty (if there is any).
Root Guide
Preparing to Root
Rooting the Device
  • Using a USB cable, connect your tablet to your computer.
  • Wait until Drivers are installed and Kingo Root Detects your tablet.
  • Hit "Root" or "Root Again" (as it said for my tablet).
  • Wait until Kingo Root finishes its magic.
  • Once Kingo finishes, and says that root was successful, reboot your device, and you can close Kingo Root.
  • Go to the play store (or Google the APK if you don't have Play Store) and download SuperSU or something similar.
Congratulations! Your Generic Allwinner A23 Tablet is now (or should be) rooted! To check that you have root permissions, download Root Checker from Google Play store or any other store. Tweaks
Now that you have rooted the tablet, let's mess around with the system so it works as you want it to work!
Just use No-frills CPU Control (https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...rillsCPU&hl=en)
The tablet by default spins at 1.2 Ghz. It can be put up to it's maximum, 1.5. On mine, I also have the option of going to 2.0 GHz, but I've never tried it yet.
Now this is an interesting one. I found some lines in the file that are interesting, and it seems editing some of them are quite helpful, especially with the battery life and performance. I've listed them below. In order to edit the file, I used JRummy's Build Prop Editor (https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...p.editor&hl=en).
chiphd.bright.max - The highest brightness for the display.
chiphd.bright.min - The lowest brightness for the display.
ro.hwa.force - Force GPU rendering. True/False
video.accelerate.hw - GPU rendering for videos. 0/1
The rest of the lines are quite common among all the devices I've seen so far, and frankly, googling "build prop battery saving tweaks" will do fine for them.
Have more tweaks? Just add them on to the thread, and I'll post them here with your name
Is there a custom recovery for this tablet? Nope.
Is there a custom rom for this tablet? Nope.
Why? Nobody seems to know why but Allwinner is a bit hard-a'd about releasing the code so people can develop from it. They are also violating GPL in many ways so most threads about Custom Roms for these kind of tablets gets closed up on XDA.

working file 100%% full options working
Download Firmware

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September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Hello... Welcome to andro9ja...

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September 2015 - Some mid-range phones will take the all-round good-value approach, with capable specs in each area; others will focus on a key area such as the camera or display and promise flagship-rivalling capability; and others still used to be those flagships, so will offer a fantastic spec at a brilliant price. Display and more to its cheaper , well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about September 2015, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Linux today is well known and well reputed one of the most powerful operating system. Linux user can perform numerous such tasks that a windows or Mac user can’t even imagine.
Sometimes Linux can go extreme upto the extent that it can do serious damage to the system.Linux system dont even ask user for confirmation once the command is given and simply performs its task.
hardware of your computer within a few seconds.Because of these harmful activities of linux it is recommended to use it only if you are good at giving commands and have in depth  knowledge oflinux commands list.


1. Command > rm -rf / = It will Delete Everything
Explanation : It is a combination of three keywords.
First is : rm It will remove all the files followed by this command.
Second is : -rf This will run rm command in more effective way and will remove everything ( all files and folders inside the specified folder )without asking confirmation from the user.
Third is : / This will start removing the data from the root directroy and will delete everything from the computer including the data of removable media.

2. Command > :(){ :|: & };: = Shell function that gets repliacated.
This command creates a shell function , which once get initialized starts to create multiple copies of itself.It results in taking quickly all the memory and power of CPU.It makes computer freeze or not responding. This is also known as Denial Of Service Attack.

3. Command > mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 = This command will format the hard disk
Explanation : This command is again composed of two keywords.
First is : mkfs.ext4 : This part of command will create a new ext4 file system on following device where this command will get executed.
Second is : /dev/sda1 ;This part of command specifies the 1st partition on the first hard disk which is probably in use by the user. Similarly, This Command > mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2 will Format the second partition on the second hard disk with ext3 File system.

4. Command > /dev/sda – Write Any content Directly to a Hard Drive.
Explanation : This command will execute normally as other commands in linux do. But output of this command will directly be sent to the file system (NTFS or FAT ) of the Hard Drive. It will result into damaging the file system of the computer.

5. Command > mv ~ /dev/null – Beware it Will Move your Home Directory To Black hole.
Explanation : Moving any of your content and data to following path : /dev/null means you want to destroy it.
It means /dev/null is a black hole where once anything sent , can not be recovered back.
Note:Many of these commands will only be dangerous if they’re prefixed with sudo on Ubuntu – they won’t work otherwise. On other Linux distributions, most commands must be run as root.

So these were 5 Deadly linux commands list that you must never try them on your system.